on the bright side of the road

thoughts, photographs, poetry and prose from a musician in brooklyn, new york (via the very-much homesick louisiana). kristin diable (www.kristindiable.com)

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Saturday, February 04, 2006

at 3:32 in the morning

at 3:32 in the morning, i drive like a careful employee
i stop full at every stop light and turn a full perpendicular at every corner
ninety degrees complete, without so much as veering
into the lane corresponding

at 3:32 in the morning, the taxi wails his horn
i do not jump the light, and hi-jack my acceleration before
the burning green light has been born

i wait with prudence, that i don't ever seem to have
in the far earlier hours of the day

at 3:32 i miss my mother, and my siblings
at 3:32 i give a good friend a ride home, because he needs it
and I go home with the infinite loneliness
to consider my location,

at 3:32, new york city halts and I can digest myself
among the terror and fervor of the purest lost hearts
i can hear the delightful melodies, just beneath the boom
of the burden
of these many,

light is of me
good is of you
we shall all come together now
and such soul is finite
and futile
in our boundless decrees
bound, infinitely




the sweetest of all,


here we are.

alone in our own rights
and connected by power lines
and traffic lights

we can laugh at each other's trite fancies
but our blood runs deeper than we'd ever let on.

the sweetest of all.

you & me

here we are.


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